Untitled (on paper)
Catherine McCarthy - 2013
29 x 21 inches Mixed Media on Paper

Yours Truly
Catherine McCarthy - 2013
30 X 40 oil on canvas

Catherine McCarthy - 2009
30 x 22 inches Mixed Media on Paper

Catherine McCarthy - 2009
30 x 22 inches Mixed Media on Paper

Catherine McCarthy - 2009
30 x 22 inches Mixed Media on Paper

Sorry, I'm so
Tim Liddy
10 x 12 x 1.5 oil and enamel on copper

Mystery Date Game
Tim Liddy
13.5 x 18.25 x oil and enamel on copper

Kevin Sloan - 2013
11 x 14 inches Acrylic on Canvas

Journal of Sloop (Sally)
Roger Kizik - 2016
49 x 68 acrylic and ink on panel

Jaws Paperback
Holly Farrell - 2016
20 x 16 inches oil and acrylic on panel

Holly Farrell - 2015
16 x 12 inches acrylic and oil on masonite

Tea Towel
Holly Farrell - 2015
16 x 12 inches oil and acrylic on masonite

Evidence of Forms
Janice Redman
5 x 7 x 3 1/2 i Fiber

Boxing Gloves
Holly Farrell - 2016
18 14 inches oil and acrylic on panel

Covert Utility Series (Cooling Tray)
Janice Redman - 2006
11 x 10 x 1 1/2 Mixed Media, Cotton, Thread, Muslin, Wax, Stain, Found Objects

Holly Farrell - 2016
20 x 14 inches oil and acrylic on board
- Tagged: 2017