Details Works

Finding Yourself There
Joel Janowitz - 2012
50 x 70 oil on linen

Another Way
Joel Janowitz - 2014
20 x 26 watercolor

Over Under Through
Joel Janowitz - 2013
26 x 48 oil on linen

Summer Reading
Joel Janowitz - 2012
30 x 40 oil on linen

Arsenale Cafe
Joel; Janowitz - 2010
30 x 48 oil on linen

Island Court III
Joel Janowitz - 2014
18 x 24 oil on linen

Island Court
Joel Janowitz - 2014
32 x 48 monotype

Your Turn
Joel Janowitz
30 x 40 oil on linen

The Whole Truth
Squeak Carnwath - 2011
90 x 80 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Beautiful Ugly
Squeak Carnwath - 2011
90 x 80 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Warning Alert
Squeak Carnwath - 2011
52 x 50 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Squeak Carnwath - 2011
30 x 30 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Squeak Carnwath - 2014
30 x 30 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

The Sea Is In Between
Squeak Carnwath - 2014
23 x 23 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Squeak Carnwath - 2014
30 x 30 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel

Squeak Carnwath - 2014
30 x 30 oil and alkyd on canvas over panel
- Tagged: 2014